How to make PDO run SET NAMES utf8 each time I connect, In ZendFramework How to make PDO run SET NAMES utf8 each time I connect, In ZendFramework php php

How to make PDO run SET NAMES utf8 each time I connect, In ZendFramework

fear my google-fu

$pdo = new PDO(    ';dbname=example_db',    "username",    "password",    array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8"));

first hit ;)


A very good question. Fortunately for you the answer is very simple:

database.params.driver_options.1002 = "SET NAMES utf8"

1002 is the value of constant PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND

You can't use the constant in the config.ini

just put this in your config

database.params.charset = "utf8"

or after ZF 1.11 this would work to resources.db.params.charset = utf8that is it