How to remove a link from content in php? How to remove a link from content in php? php php

How to remove a link from content in php?

I suggest you to keep the text in link.

strip_tags($text, '<br>');

or the hard way:

preg_replace('#<a.*?>(.*?)</a>#i', '\1', $text)

If you don't need to keep text in the link

preg_replace('#<a.*?>.*?</a>#i', '', $text)

While strip_tags() is capable of basic string sanitization, it's not fool-proof. If the data you need to filter is coming in from a user, and especially if it will be displayed back to other users, you might want to look into a more comprehensive HTML sanitizer, like HTML Purifier. These types of libraries can save you from a lot of headache up the road.

strip_tags() and various regex methods can't and won't stop a user who really wants to inject something.


preg_replace('/<a.*?<\/a>/','',"test test testa<br> <a href='' target='_blank' title='title' style='text-decoration:none;'>name</a>");