How to render a Youtube thumbnail in a template in Drupal 7 How to render a Youtube thumbnail in a template in Drupal 7 php php

How to render a Youtube thumbnail in a template in Drupal 7

Digging around in the media_youtube module code there's a function that will build this up for you in includes/ called media_youtube_file_formatter_image_view(). You can use code like the following to render the thumbnail image:

// Make sure the correct include file is loadedmodule_load_include('inc', 'media_youtube', '/includes/');// Load the file$file = file_load($my_media['fid']);// Set up the settings array with your image style$display['settings'] = array('image_style' => 'unlinked_thumbnail');// Get the render array for the thumbnail image$image_render_array = media_youtube_file_formatter_image_view($file, $display, LANGUAGE_NONE);// Render itprint render($image_render_array);

One more example, which makes possible to render video thumbnail (vimeo, youtube, qbrick, etc.) with your custom image style.

$file - File object that you can easily get from media field.

$wrapper = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_uri($file->uri);$image_uri = $wrapper->getLocalThumbnailPath();$image_rendered = theme('image_style', array(  'style_name' => 'YOUR_IMAGE_STYLE_HERE',  'path' => $image_uri));

Please note, that if you want to render also image, than you need to check $file->type if it's video or image, because it will use different wrapper objects with different methods.

And if you want to print both thumb+video you could do this :

<?php print render($content['field_your_field']); ?>

If you in a tpl and want to use $variables - it will be something like:

<?php print render($variables['content']['field_url']['#object']->content['field_video']);?>

Hopu u can use it...