How to replace one or two consecutive line breaks in a string? How to replace one or two consecutive line breaks in a string? php php

How to replace one or two consecutive line breaks in a string?

preg_replace('/(?:(?:\r\n|\r|\n)\s*){2}/s', "\n\n", $text)

Something like

preg_replace('/(\r|\n|\r\n){2,}/', '<br/><br/>', $text);

should work, I think. Though I don't remember PHP syntax exactly, it might need some more escaping :-/

\R is the system-agnostic escape sequence which will match \n, \r and \r\n.

Because you want to greedily match 1 or 2 consecutive newlines, you will need to use a limiting quantifier {1,2}.

Code: (Demo)

$string = "Porcupines\nare\n\n\n\nporcupiney.";echo preg_replace('~\R{1,2}~', '<br />', $string);


Porcupines<br >are<br /><br />porcupiney.

Now, to clarify why/where the other answers are incorrect...

@DavidZ's unexplained answer fails to replace the lone newline character (Demo of failure) because of the incorrect quantifier expression.

It generates:


The exact same result can be generated by @chaos's code-only answer (Demo of failure). Not only is the regular expression long-winded and incorrectly implementing the quantifier logic, it is also adding the s pattern modifier.

The s pattern modifier only has an effect on the regular expression if there is a dot metacharacter in the pattern. Because there is no . in the pattern, the modifier is useless and is teaching researchers meaningless/incorrect coding practices.