How to retrieve timezone offset from GMT+0 in php? How to retrieve timezone offset from GMT+0 in php? php php

How to retrieve timezone offset from GMT+0 in php?

This will be useful for converting offset values into GMT format without any calculation

<?php  //target time zone  $target_time_zone = new DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles');  //find kolkata time   $date_time = new DateTime('now', $target_time_zone);  //get the exact GMT format  echo 'GMT '.$date_time->format('P');

This is a simple example how to get timezone offset in seconds:

$dtz = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Sofia');$time_in_sofia = new DateTime('now', $dtz);echo $dtz->getOffset( $time_in_sofia );

to display it in the format GMT+x:

$offset = $dtz->getOffset( $time_in_sofia ) / 3600;echo "GMT" . ($offset < 0 ? $offset : "+".$offset);

working example

This will get you the standard offset (not the one in or out of DST [depending on the time of year]):

function getStandardOffsetUTC($timezone){    if($timezone == 'UTC') {        return '';    } else {        $timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezone);        $transitions = $timezone->getTransitions(time() - 86400*365, time());        foreach ($transitions as $transition)        {            if ($transition['isdst'])            {                continue;            }            return sprintf('UTC %+03d:%02u', $transition['offset'] / 3600, abs($transition['offset']) % 3600 / 60);        }        return false;    }}


echo getStandardOffsetUTC('Europe/Sofia'); // UTC +02:00

You can get a peek at the differences here.