How to return custom error message from controller method validation How to return custom error message from controller method validation php php

How to return custom error message from controller method validation

to get custom error message you need to pass custom error message on third parameter,like that

$this->validate(    $request,     ['thing' => 'required'],    ['thing.required' => 'this is my custom error message for required']);

For Multiple Field, Role and Field-Role Specific Message

$this->validate(        $request,         [               'uEmail'             => 'required|unique:members',            'uPassword'          => 'required|min:8'        ],        [               'uEmail.required'    => 'Please Provide Your Email Address For Better Communication, Thank You.',            'uEmail.unique'      => 'Sorry, This Email Address Is Already Used By Another User. Please Try With Different One, Thank You.',            'uPassword.required' => 'Password Is Required For Your Information Safety, Thank You.',            'uPassword.min'      => 'Password Length Should Be More Than 8 Character Or Digit Or Mix, Thank You.',        ]    );

$messages = [    'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.',];$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);

"In most cases, you will probably specify your custom messages in a language file instead of passing them directly to the Validator. To do so, add your messages to custom array in the resources/lang/xx/validation.php language file."