How to set flash message in sonata admin Admin Controller How to set flash message in sonata admin Admin Controller php php

How to set flash message in sonata admin Admin Controller

Yes, you can set a flash message in an admin class. First, you can define a custom flash message type for the SonataCoreBundle. For example, if you want a success flash message type, add this in the app/config/config.yml file:

sonata_core:    flashmessage:        success:            types:                - { type: mytodo_success, domain: MyToDoBundle }

Then, you need to know when to set the message. For example, if you want to set the message after creating a new entity, you can do so overriding the postPersist function in your admin class, and adding the message in the Symfony flash bag:

public function postPersist($object) {    $this->getRequest()->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add("mytodo_success", "My To-Do custom success message");}

This way, the message will be displayed whenever you create a new entity at the admin class.

You can also use the default type success:

public function postPersist($object) {    $this->getRequest()->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add("success", "My To-Do custom success message");}

Because it is an Admin class I get the flashbag over the Session service:

protected function whereever(){    $this->getFlashBag()->add(        'info',        'Your message'    );}...protected function getFlashBag(){    return $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('session')->getFlashBag();}


You are talking about an admin class, not a controller.

And this is not possible by default. Best way to do this is to write a custom CRUDController (extend from default one) and handle it there.