How to set timeout to infinite to avoid MongoCursorTimeoutException in php How to set timeout to infinite to avoid MongoCursorTimeoutException in php php php

How to set timeout to infinite to avoid MongoCursorTimeoutException in php

MongoCursor::$timeout = -1;

type above line in your php code. this set timeout for all queries .best regard,

Here's documentation for setting the timeout on a cursor.

$cursor = $collection->find()->timeout(n);

The command method does not return a cursor it returns an array.

If you take a look at the documentation for the command method, you'll see that it's actually just a wrapper for the following:

public function command($data) {    return $this->selectCollection('$cmd')->findOne($data);}

That should get you going in the right direction.

The PHP driver supports a second argument in the command method to set the timeout.

This means you should do the following:

$value = $db->command(    array('distinct' => $collection, 'key' => 'uid', 'query' => $criteria),    array('timeout' => 10000000000));

This should solve your problem!