How to specify Composer install path? How to specify Composer install path? php php

How to specify Composer install path?

It seems that you can define the vendor dir to be something else (plugins in your case):

{    "config": {        "vendor-dir": "plugins"    }}

Then, you might rename the package name to not have a level dir inside, like:

        "package": {            "name": "sfGuardPlugin",

So, your composer.json should look like this:

{    "config": {        "vendor-dir": "plugins"    },    "repositories": [        {            "type": "package",            "package": {                "name": "sfGuardPlugin",                "version": "4.0.2",                "dist": {                    "url": "",                    "type": "tar"                }            }        }    ],    "require": {        "sfGuardPlugin": "4.0.*"    }}


Using this configuration, you will get the path (which is of course not good for symfony):


I found a workaround with this composer.json:

{    "config": {        "vendor-dir": "plugins"    },    "repositories": [        {            "type": "package",            "package": {                "name": "sfGuardPlugin",                "version": "4.0.2",                "source": {                    "url": "",                    "type": "svn",                    "reference": "branches/1.3/"                }            }        }    ],    "require": {        "sfGuardPlugin": "4.0.*"    }}

You can also use composer/installers, a multi-framework composer library installer with the "symfony1-plugin" package type. This is what my composer.json file looks like, in order for it to install both Symfony 1.4 (in lib/vendor) and plugins in (/plugins):

{    "config": {        "vendor-dir": "lib/vendor"    },    "repositories": {        "symfony": {            "type": "package",            "package": {                "name": "symfony/symfony1",                "version": "1.4",                "dist": {                    "url": "",                    "type": "zip"                }            }        },        "sfResquePlugin" : {            "type": "package",            "package": {                "name": "devpips/sfResquePlugin",                "type": "symfony1-plugin",                "version": "0.1",                "dist": {                    "url": "",                    "type": "zip"                }            }        }    },    "require": {        "composer/installers": "dev-master",        "symfony/symfony1": "1.4",        "devpips/sfResquePlugin":"0.1"    }}

See COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR environment variable.

By setting this var you can make Composer install the dependencies into a directory other than vendor.

Can be helpful in the case you want to override this in a particular environment such as vagrant or docker where you wouldn't want this to be in a shared folder / volume.

And as J0k said, there's vendor-dir in config section of composer.json

Defaults to vendor. You can install dependencies into a different directory if you want to. $HOME and ~ will be replaced by your home directory's path in vendor-dir and all *-dir options below.