How to stop xdebug from stopping on first line with PhpStorm? How to stop xdebug from stopping on first line with PhpStorm? php php

How to stop xdebug from stopping on first line with PhpStorm?

The above didn't work for me because as far as I can tell if you're using Xdebug the only debug bookmarklets you get is start/stop and debug this page. I don't see any bookmarklet specific to stopping on first line, and neither the start/stop bookmarklets nor stopping PHPStorm from listening within PHPStorm fixed the problem for me.

To get it to stop I did this (on OS X):

  1. Go to Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Debug
  2. Uncheck both of the 'force break at the first line...' options
  3. Apply and close
  4. In the Run menu, uncheck 'Break at the first line in PHP scripts'

Check the "Force break at the first line..." in the PHP->Debug section of preferences.

enter image description here

BESIDES THAT, also check this setting:

enter image description here

My problem with PHPStorm was that I was doing Drupal and the index.php was outside the project (since the project is a module). I needed to uncheck the settings "Force break at the first line..." in the PHP->Debug section of preferences.
