How to use collections in a fieldset factory in ZF2 How to use collections in a fieldset factory in ZF2 php php

How to use collections in a fieldset factory in ZF2

maybe i'm getting your question wrong.... but if you replaced this

$this->add(array(        'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\Text',        'name' => 'title'));

whith this:

$fieldset->add(array(        'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\Text',        'name' => 'title'));

then you probably can replace this:

$tagFieldset = new TagFieldset($objectManager);$this->add(array(        'type'    => 'Zend\Form\Element\Collection',        'name'    => 'tags',        'options' => array(                'count'           => 2,                'target_element' => $tagFieldset        )));

with this:

$tagFieldset = new TagFieldset($objectManager);$fieldset->add(array(        'type'    => 'Zend\Form\Element\Collection',        'name'    => 'tags',        'options' => array(                'count'           => 2,                'target_element' => $tagFieldset        )));

now, if you cant pass the $objectManger to the form... well if you look at the code you have this thing available $serviceManager, that thing looks like a DI container, im sure you can get the $objectManager instance from there, and if is not available, you can probably put an instance of it inside.

So de final code probably ending looks like this:

$objectManager =  $serviceManager->get('DoctrineObjectManager') //or something like this$tagFieldset = new TagFieldset($objectManager);$fieldset->add(array(        'type'    => 'Zend\Form\Element\Collection',        'name'    => 'tags',        'options' => array(                'count'           => 2,                'target_element' => $tagFieldset        )));