Howto Reverse-Engineer a REST-Webservice Howto Reverse-Engineer a REST-Webservice php php

Howto Reverse-Engineer a REST-Webservice

You can use network analyzer tool like WIRESHARK to capture data sent on networkRead more about it on wireshark site

For example i hit login web servicedata captured by wireshark is as:enter image description here

In above image you can see data sent on HTTP protocol

1.) method POST

2.) Under MIME infofor example

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="phoneNumber"\r\n\r\n

name of parameter is phoneNumber


Here you can see fiddle captured data:

1.) Click on GO bottun, after that it starts capturing requests Fiddle screenshot

If you have an existing client using the service (a web page, mobile app, etc.) you can use a proxy to record and observe traffic that's sent/received by an existing client using the service. Fiddler or Charles will get the job done.

you can use

network analyzer tab under inspect element option in google chrome

where you can see all the data and scripts loaded for that webpage, for example check this screenshot, where i am trying to see which google api is used to find coordinates for the given address.example in this you will get all the information required.