In PHPUnit, how do I mock parent methods? In PHPUnit, how do I mock parent methods? php php

In PHPUnit, how do I mock parent methods?

You dont mock or stub methods in the Subject-under-Test (SUT). If you feel you have the need to mock or stub a method in the parent of the SUT, it likely means you shouldnt have used inheritance, but aggregation.

You mock dependencies of the Subject-under-Test. That means any other objects the SUT requires to do work.

An approach that works to my is the implementation of a wrap to the parent call on the child class, and finally mock those wrap.

You code modified:

class Parent {    function foo() {        echo 'bar';    }}class Child {    function foo() {            $foo = $this->parentFooCall();            return $foo;    }    function parentFooCall() {            return parent::foo();    }}class ChildTest extend PHPUnit_TestCase {    function testFoo() {        $mock = $this->getMock('Child', array('foo', 'parentFooCall'));        //how do i mock parent methods and simulate responses?    } }

Here is how I did it, I have no idea if this is correct but it works:

class parentClass {    public function whatever() {        $this->doSomething();    }}class childClass extends parentClass {    public $variable;    public function subjectUnderTest() {        $this->variable = 'whocares';        parent::whatever();    }}

now in the test i do:

public function testSubjectUnderTest() {    $ChildClass = $this->getMock('childClass', array('doSomething'))    $ChildClass->expects($this->once())               ->method('doSomething');    $ChildClass->subjectUnderTest();    $this->assertEquals('whocares', $ChildClass->variable);}

what the ?

My reasoning here is that all i really want to test is whether or not my variable got set. i don't really care about what happens in the parent method but since you can't prevent the parent method from being called what i do is mock the dependent methods of the parent method.

now go ahead and tell me i'm wrong :)