Is passing NULL param exactly the same as passing no param Is passing NULL param exactly the same as passing no param php php

Is passing NULL param exactly the same as passing no param

No. Presumably, the exact signature is:

function afunc($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4 = SOM_CONST)

and the function uses func_get_arg or func_get_args for $p5.

func_num_args will be different depending whether you pass NULL. If we do:

{    echo func_num_args();}





give 5 and 4.

It's up to the function whether to handle these the same.

No. It is only the same if the parameter's default value is NULL, otherwise not:

function a($a, $b, $c = 42) {    var_dump($c);}a(1, 2, NULL);

prints NULL.

So you cannot say it is always the same. NULL is just another value and it is not that special.

Not to mention non-optional parameters: Calling a(1) would give you an error (warning) but a(1,NULL) works.

Passing NULL is exactly the same as not passing an argument - if the default value is NULL, except in the context of the func_num_args function:

Returns the number of arguments passed to the function.

<?phpfunction test($test=NULL) {    echo func_num_args();}test(); //outputs: 0test(NULL); //outputs: 1?>