Is there a definitive anti-XSS library for PHP? Is there a definitive anti-XSS library for PHP? php php

Is there a definitive anti-XSS library for PHP?

OWASP offers an encoding library, on which time has been spent to handle the various cases.


Now at
and OWASP's antiXSS specific library is at:

htmlspecialchars() is the only function you should know about.

HTMLPurifier is the undenied best option for cleansing HTML input, and htmlspecialchars should be applied to anything else.

But XSS vulnerabilities should not be cleaned out, because any such submissions are garbage anyway. Rather make your application bail and write a log entry. The best filter set to achieve XSS detection is in the mod_security core rules.

I'm using an inconspicious but quite thorough attribute detection here in new input(), see _xss method.