Is there a way to make PHP's SplHeap recalculate? (aka: add up-heap to SplHeap?) Is there a way to make PHP's SplHeap recalculate? (aka: add up-heap to SplHeap?) php php

Is there a way to make PHP's SplHeap recalculate? (aka: add up-heap to SplHeap?)

I was solving very similar problem recently, it seems like SPL doesn't support updates. So

I had to write my own heap.

It isn't extra efficient, but it does what I need and it's much faster than sorting an array repeatedly... SPL heap is still much faster though...

here it is...

class heap{    public $members=array();    // these two are just for statistics    private $swaps=0;     private $recurs=array('lups'=>0, 'ldowns'=>0);    public function insert($val){        if(is_array($val) && empty($this->members)){ // because heapify is (in theory) more efficient            foreach($val as $v){                $this->members[]=$v;            }            $this->heapify();        }else{            $emptyPosition=count($this->members);  // count(members) gets index of first empty position, not last key            $this->members[]=$val; // puts $val in            $this->ladderup($emptyPosition);        }    }    public function heapify(){    /* in case all the heap is broken, we can always use this to repair it.     It should be more efficient to fill $members randomly and "repair" it with heapify after,     than inserting things one by one*/        $start=max(0, floor( (count($this->members)-1)/2)); // find last parent        for($i=$start;$i>=0;$i--){            $this->ladderdown($i);        }    }    private function ladderdown($index){    // recursively sifts down $index        $this->recurs['ldowns']++;        /*        indexes of children        they are stored at  parent_position*2 and parent_position*2+1        but becouse php uses null-based array indexing, we have to modify it a little        */          $iA=$index*2+1;         $iB=$index*2+2;        if($iA<count($this->members)){ // check if children exist            if($iB<count($this->members)){                if($this->compare($iA, $iB)>=0) $bigger=$iA; // if both exist, compare them, cause we want to swap with the bigger one ; I'm using ">=" here, that means if they're equal, left child is used                else $bigger=$iB;            }else{                $bigger=$iA; // if only one children exists, use it            }            if($this->compare($bigger, $index)>0){ // not using ">=" here, there's no reason to swap them if they're same                $this->swap($bigger, $index);                $this->ladderdown($bigger); // continue with $bigger because that's the position, where the bigger member was before we swap()ped it             }        }    }    private function ladderup($index){    // sift-up,         $this->recurs['lups']++;        $parent=max(0, floor( ($index-1)/2)); // find parent index; this way it actualy swaps one too many times: at the end of sift-up-ing swaps the root with itself        if($this->compare($index, $parent)>0){            $this->swap($index, $parent);            $this->ladderup($parent);        }    }    public function root(){        if(count($this->members)){            return $this->members[0];        }        return false;       }    public function extract(){    // removes and returns root member        if(!count($this->members)) return false;        $this->swap(0,count($this->members)-1); // swaps root with last member        $result=array_pop($this->members); // removes last member (now root)        $this->ladderdown(0); // root is on wrong position, sifts it down        return $result;    }    public function update($index, $value){        if($index<count($this->members)){            $this->members[$index]=$value;            $this->ladderup($index);            $this->ladderdown($index);        }    }    public function delete($index){    // removes index from heap the same way as root is extracted        $this->swap(count($this->members)-1, $index); // swaps index with last one        array_pop($this->members);        $this->ladderup($index);        $this->ladderdown($index);    }    private function swap($iA, $iB){    // swaps two members        $this->swaps++;        $swap=$this->members[$iA];        $this->members[$iA]=$this->members[$iB];        $this->members[$iB]=$swap;    }    private function compare($iA, $iB){        $result=$this->members[$iA] - $this->members[$iB];        return $result;    }    public function stats($text=""){     // prints and resets statistics        echo "STATS: $text... Sift-ups: ".$this->recurs['lups']." Sift-downs: ".$this->recurs['ldowns']." Swaps: ".$this->swaps." <br>";        $this->recurs=array('lups'=>0, 'ldowns'=>0);        $this->swaps=0;    }}//here's how to use it...$h=new heap;for($i=0; $i<10000; $i++){    $h->insert(rand(1,1000));}$h->stats("after inserting one-by-one");while($biggest=$h->extract()); // note that $h->extract might return FALSE, but might return zero as well, if there was zero in the heap$h->stats("after extracting all roots (like in heapsort)");echo "Now, heap is empty. Let's try whole array at once <br>";for($i=0; $i<10000; $i++){    $a[]=rand(1,1000);}$h->insert($a); // inserting whole array here, so heap will use more efficient heapify()$h->stats("after heapify");echo "let's update two indexes<br>";$h->update(1234,44444);// sure on top$h->stats("after update");$h->update(8888,40000);// second place$h->stats("after update");echo "extract biggest three indexes<br>";echo $h->extract()." - this should be 44444<br>";echo $h->extract()." - this should be 40000<br>";echo $h->extract()." - this should be biggest number given by rand(1,1000)<br>";$h->stats("after three extracts");while($h->extract());$h->stats("after extracting the rest");

and result is:

STATS: after inserting one-by-one... Sift-ups: 22651 Sift-downs: 0 Swaps: 12651
STATS: after extracting all roots (like in heapsort)... Sift-ups: 0 Sift-downs: 116737 Swaps: 116737
Now, heap is empty. Let's try whole array at once
STATS: after heapify... Sift-ups: 0 Sift-downs: 12396 Swaps: 7396
let's update two indexes
STATS: after update... Sift-ups: 11 Sift-downs: 1 Swaps: 10
STATS: after update... Sift-ups: 13 Sift-downs: 1 Swaps: 12
extract biggest three indexes
44444 - this should be 44444
40000 - this should be 40000
1000 - this should be biggest number given by rand(1,1000)
STATS: after three extracts... Sift-ups: 0 Sift-downs: 42 Swaps: 42
STATS: after extracting the rest... Sift-ups: 0 Sift-downs: 116652 Swaps: 116652

You will have to modify it a bit, but anyway, hope it helps..

Can't you just re-insert the updated node after you change the value?


Doesn't insert force a re-sort of the Heap? That will be a lower order then creating a new one.