Is there an IPC transport implementation for Thrift ? or low latency SOA solutions Is there an IPC transport implementation for Thrift ? or low latency SOA solutions php php

Is there an IPC transport implementation for Thrift ? or low latency SOA solutions

You could use Thrift to serialize your objects and then use IPC method of your liking(named pipe,message queues etc).The following is a simple example using pipes

  1. We have a an object of type Message which contains some information
  2. Php process is the producer of the message
  3. Java process is the consumer

Thrift model

struct Message {  1: i32 uid,  2: string information,}

generate thrift sources

thrift --gen java message.thriftthrift --gen php message.thrift

PHP producer

<?php$GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'] = 'src';require_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/Thrift.php';require_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/protocol/TBinarySerializer.php'; // this generates serialized string from our obectrequire_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/packages/message/message_types.php'; //from generated thrift sources//create new message$message = new Message();$message->uid = '1';$message->information = 'Some info';var_dump($message);//serialize$serializer = new TBinarySerializer(); $serialized_message = $serializer->serialize($message);var_dump($serialized_message);//write to a pipeif (pcntl_fork() == 0) {$namedPipe = '/tmp/pipe';if (! file_exists($namedPipe)) {   posix_mkfifo($namedPipe, 0600);}$fifo = fopen($namedPipe, 'w');fwrite($fifo, $serialized_message);exit(0);}?>

Java Consumer

        //read from pipe    FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File("/tmp/pipe"));    int availableBytes = fileInputStream.available();    byte[] b = new byte[availableBytes]; , 0, availableBytes);        //deserialize    TDeserializer tDeserializer = new TDeserializer();    Message deserMessage = new Message();    tDeserializer.deserialize(deserMessage, b);    System.out.println(deserMessage.getInformation());    //prints "Some info"

See here regarding a cross-platform pipe transport for the Thrift C++ library. This should be straight-forward to port to the other languages. If you only need to support *NIX, you could use domain sockets which is already supported by TSocket. Simply pass in (name) instead of (host, port) to its constructor.