jQuery AJAX file upload PHP jQuery AJAX file upload PHP php php

jQuery AJAX file upload PHP

You need a script that runs on the server to move the file to the uploads directory. The jQuery ajax method (running in the browser) sends the form data to the server, then a script on the server handles the upload. Here's an example using PHP.

Your HTML is fine, but update your JS jQuery script to look like this:

$('#upload').on('click', function() {    var file_data = $('#sortpicture').prop('files')[0];       var form_data = new FormData();                      form_data.append('file', file_data);    alert(form_data);                                 $.ajax({        url: 'upload.php', // <-- point to server-side PHP script         dataType: 'text',  // <-- what to expect back from the PHP script, if anything        cache: false,        contentType: false,        processData: false,        data: form_data,                                 type: 'post',        success: function(php_script_response){            alert(php_script_response); // <-- display response from the PHP script, if any        }     });});

And now for the server-side script, using PHP in this case.

upload.php: a PHP script that runs on the server and directs the file to the uploads directory:

<?php    if ( 0 < $_FILES['file']['error'] ) {        echo 'Error: ' . $_FILES['file']['error'] . '<br>';    }    else {        move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'uploads/' . $_FILES['file']['name']);    }?>

Also, a couple things about the destination directory:

  1. Make sure you have the correct server path, i.e., starting at the PHP script location what is the path to the uploads directory, and
  2. Make sure it's writeable.

And a little bit about the PHP function move_uploaded_file, used in the upload.php script:

move_uploaded_file(    // this is where the file is temporarily stored on the server when uploaded    // do not change this    $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],    // this is where you want to put the file and what you want to name it    // in this case we are putting in a directory called "uploads"    // and giving it the original filename    'uploads/' . $_FILES['file']['name']);

$_FILES['file']['name'] is the name of the file as it is uploaded. You don't have to use that. You can give the file any name (server filesystem compatible) you want:

move_uploaded_file(    $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],    'uploads/my_new_filename.whatever');

And finally, be aware of your PHP upload_max_filesize AND post_max_size configuration values, and be sure your test files do not exceed either. Here's some help how you check PHP configuration and how you set max filesize and post settings.

**1. index.php**<body>    <span id="msg" style="color:red"></span><br/>    <input type="file" id="photo"><br/>  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>  <script type="text/javascript">    $(document).ready(function(){      $(document).on('change','#photo',function(){        var property = document.getElementById('photo').files[0];        var image_name = property.name;        var image_extension = image_name.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();        if(jQuery.inArray(image_extension,['gif','jpg','jpeg','']) == -1){          alert("Invalid image file");        }        var form_data = new FormData();        form_data.append("file",property);        $.ajax({          url:'upload.php',          method:'POST',          data:form_data,          contentType:false,          cache:false,          processData:false,          beforeSend:function(){            $('#msg').html('Loading......');          },          success:function(data){            console.log(data);            $('#msg').html(data);          }        });      });    });  </script></body>**2.upload.php**<?phpif($_FILES['file']['name'] != ''){    $test = explode('.', $_FILES['file']['name']);    $extension = end($test);        $name = rand(100,999).'.'.$extension;    $location = 'uploads/'.$name;    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $location);    echo '<img src="'.$location.'" height="100" width="100" />';}

Use pure js

async function saveFile() {    let formData = new FormData();               formData.append("file", sortpicture.files[0]);    await fetch('/uploads', {method: "POST", body: formData});        alert('works');}
<input id="sortpicture" type="file" name="sortpic" /><button id="upload" onclick="saveFile()">Upload</button><br>Before click upload look on chrome>console>network (in this snipped we will see 404)