Laravel deployment... there is a standard way? Laravel deployment... there is a standard way? php php

Laravel deployment... there is a standard way?

This is not really a Laravel problem/question, you have to ask on a dev-ops forum what they would do to deploy a PHP application like yours.

Your Laravel application is basically PHP application, some packages are provided by Composer, so it's more a Composer application than a Laravel one, but you might have some Laravel needs, like executing php artisan migrate, or any other artisan command to post-deploy your application, or not, so, it's more a requirement of your application than Laravel, right?

I developed a package to do my deployments, Deeployer. The intent of this package is, everytime I push my application to the production (or staging) branch, Github will fire a hook that tells my server to do whatever it needs to deploy my application to my own VPS. In a basic deployment it will:

1) git pull the repository

2) Execute composer update to update my vendor folder

3) Execute bower update to download whatever js or css I've installed

4) Execute php artisan migrate to upgrade my database schema

5) Execute chmod and chown to fix whatever permission mess those commands might have made to my directories while downloading files

See? Those are things that are very particular to my deployment structure, that's why I don't really think you are going to find consensus about a deployment app. When Anahkiasen first build Rocketeer, someone shout: "Why are you doing this if we already have Capistrano?".

Yesterday I bumped into this one:, used by Ben Corlet from Cartalyst and other nice guys.

There's also Rocketeer:

Don't forget that Laravel itself has it's own SSH Remote component (I used it on Deeployer and Rocketeer uses it too), that might help you do whatever you need to deploy your app.

So, you better think what are your deployment needs and find your way, using a package, app or just Laravel.

There are a lot of deployment tool, like Capistrano. I recommend you to take a look at Deployer: it's has simple api, bundled with recipes for popular frameworks and apps, and can do 100% parallel task execution. Also it requires only for PHP.

Here is an example of simple task:

task('my_task', function () {    // Your tasks code...});

Also it has a good quality code:

Code QualityCode ClimateCode Coverage
