Laravel - Passport/SPA 401 Unauthorized Laravel - Passport/SPA 401 Unauthorized php php

Laravel - Passport/SPA 401 Unauthorized

It was a little while ago that we went through the same issue, but I can see we followed the laravel documentation to add a web middleware in kernel.php:

'web' => [    // Other middleware...    // ...    // This Adds a cookie containing a JWT token for Laravel Passport    \Laravel\Passport\Http\Middleware\CreateFreshApiToken::class,],

Potentially relevant: to simplify our requests to the back-end we had axios setup to prefix requests with api/, which meant we also had to tell Passport to expect this. In AuthServiceProvider.php:

Passport::routes(null, ['prefix' => 'api/oauth']);

Hi all i have same issue of Unauthenticated.But my fault is in Postman Header i set Authorization:'Bearer token'. it replace to Authorization:Bearer token.So sad..Now it working

The default oauth routes are assigned the web and auth middleware so you have to find a way to assign them the auth:api middleware.

I also prefer to use an api/oauth prefix for consistency.

In your AuthServiceProvider

Passport::routes(null, array('prefix' => 'api/oauth', 'middleware'  =>  array('auth:api', 'web', 'auth')));

That will give you the api/oauth prefix AND add the auth:api middleware so you can authenticate via Bearer tokens.

Keep in mind you'll encounter some CSRF token issues that using


Doesn't seem to solve.

You'll need to pass in the proper headers (see CSRF Protection under:

When using this method of authentication, you will need to ensure a valid CSRF token header is included in your requests. The default Laravel JavaScript scaffolding includes an Axios instance, which will automatically use the encrypted XSRF-TOKEN cookie value to send a X-XSRF-TOKEN header on same-origin requests.