Laravel post route with url parameters Laravel post route with url parameters php php

Laravel post route with url parameters

The problem has nothing to do with Laravel

<form url="/request/{{$equipment->url}}" method="POST">

replace url with action

<form action="/request/{{$equipment->url}}" method="POST">

The HTTP POST verb doesn't accept parameters from the URL like GET, it accepts them from the Body of the HTTP POST. To fetch the post parameters you use the code below:

In routes.php:

Route::post('/request', 'PagesController@request');

and in your PagesController access the form input using one of the input methods such as below

public function request() {    return Input::get('equipment_url');}

You can not send get parameters to post route.

But you can achieve that by a simple trick, just pass your value ({{$equipment->url}}) in form's hidden filed or in session.

For Example:


<form url="test/{{$equipment->url}}" method="POST">    {{Input::hidden('name-of-field', $equipment->url)    <div class="row">        .......    </div></form>


Route::post('test/{any-variable}', ['as' => 'test', 'uses' => 'TestController@test']);


public function test(){    echo "<pre>";    dd(Input::all());}


array(1) {           ["name-of-field"]=>            string(5) "your value here"          }