Laravel, right way to import javascript into Blade Templates Laravel, right way to import javascript into Blade Templates php php

Laravel, right way to import javascript into Blade Templates

Anything outside of your @section block will not be rendered.

You could edit your layouts/app.blade.php and add a @stack('head') where you want your styles/javascript to appear (preferably in the <head> section of your HTML).

In any blade file that @extends('') you can then use

@push('head')<!-- Styles --><link href="{{ asset('css/pizza.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"><!-- Scripts --><script src="{{ asset('js/components/pizza.js')}}"></script>@endpush

to push content into that stack.

For more information visit

For custom scripts on specific page,

  • add @yield('footer-scripts') to layouts/app.blade.php

  • create a folder named 'scripts' in views folder

  • inside views/scripts folder create a file 'pizza-script.blade.php' and add the js file contents inside

    <script src="/path/to/pizza.js" />   <!-- it might not work if path isn't clear --><script type="text/javascript">    console.log('executing js here..')   js file contents....  #if jquery needed add it like,   $(document).ready(function(){    ...  }</script>
  • in your index.blade.php (or the page where you want the scripts to execute) at the end add the script after @endsection

      @section('footer-scripts')      @include('')  @endsection

now refresh the page, you can see 'executing js here..' on the console.

Try to move pizza.js at the bottom of index.blade.php

    @section('extra-script')    {{Html::script('js/components/pizza.js')}}    @endsection

Hope it helps.