Laravel Storage symlink Laravel Storage symlink php php

Laravel Storage symlink

when you create symlink in laravel then it create symlink of storage/app/public folder to public/storage folder. That means if you want to access any files publicly then place all your files inside storage/app/public folder and access it like this

<img src="{{asset('storage/puppy/18/test.png')}}" alt="">

Here it means the file test.png should be physically at storage/app/public/puppy/18 folder.

Execute php artisan storage:link for creating symlink in laravel

Hope it clear you

Try this one.

<img src="{{asset('puppy/18/ax2Fk08nyWrV6TwTOnsXNCkNGuIdFebB7TTfPYGb.png')}}" alt="">

For shared hostings try below solutions


1) Remove storage folder in public_html/public/storage

2) Create a php file for example symlink.php in public_html folder

3) Add codes to symlink.php file

$targetFolder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/storage/app/public';$linkFolder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/public/storage';symlink($targetFolder,$linkFolder);echo 'Symlink process successfully completed';

4) Go to web site

That is all...

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