Laravel Telescope Failed to open stream: no such file or directory TelescopeServiceProvider.php Laravel Telescope Failed to open stream: no such file or directory TelescopeServiceProvider.php php php

Laravel Telescope Failed to open stream: no such file or directory TelescopeServiceProvider.php

Try update Telescope,

composer update --prefer-source

Try removing Telescope and then reinstalling the package as the installation seems to have broken the package:

composer remove laravel/telescopecomposer require laravel/telescope


composer dump-autoload


artisan cache:clear

after you update or make changes to composer.json to refresh everything.

Perthe Telescope Github Issues

Telescope is not ready for Laravel 6 yet. Many people are having this same issue. The solution is to look at this issue.Although it is a workaround, not a solution.

use composer dump-autoload


artisan cache:clear


install composer require brick/math

its work