Localize dates in twigs using Symfony 2 Localize dates in twigs using Symfony 2 php php

Localize dates in twigs using Symfony 2

What about the Intl Twig extension?

Usage in a twig template:

{{ my_date | localizeddate('full', 'none', locale) }}

I didn't want to install a whole extensions just for this stuff and need to do a few things automatically: It's also possible to write a helperclass (or expand an existing helper) in Bundle/Twig/Extensions for example like this:

public function foo(\Datetime $datetime, $lang = 'de_DE', $pattern = 'd. MMMM Y'){    $formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter($lang, \IntlDateFormatter::LONG, \IntlDateFormatter::LONG);    $formatter->setPattern($pattern);    return $formatter->format($datetime);}


{{ yourDateTimeObject|foo('en_US', 'd. MMMM Y') }}

The result is "12. February 2014" (or "12. Februar 2014" in de_DE and so on)

I really only wanted the day & month names to be translated according to the locale and wrote this twig extension. It accepts the normal DateTime->format() parameters and converts day & months names using strftime() if needed.

<?phpnamespace AppBundle\Twig\Extension;use Twig_Extension;use Twig_SimpleFilter;use DateTimeZone;use DateTime;class LocalizedDateExtension extends Twig_Extension{    protected static $conversionMap = [        'D' => 'a',        'l' => 'A',        'M' => 'b',        'F' => 'B',    ];    public function getFilters()    {        return [            new Twig_SimpleFilter('localizeddate', [$this, 'localizeDate']),        ];    }    protected static function createLocalizableTodo(&$formatString)    {        $newFormatString = '';        $todo = [];        $formatLength = mb_strlen($formatString);        for ($i = 0; $i < $formatLength; $i++) {            $char = $formatString[$i];            if ('\'' === $char) {                $newFormatString = $formatString[++$i]; //advance and add new character            }            if (array_key_exists($char, static::$conversionMap)) {                $newFormatString.= '\!\L\O\C\A\L\I\Z\E\D\\'; //prefix char                $todo[$char] = static::$conversionMap[$char];            }            $newFormatString.= $char;        }        $formatString = $newFormatString;        return $todo;    }    public function localizeDate(DateTime $dateTime, $format, $timezone = null, $locale = null)    {        if (null !== $timezone && $dateTime->getTimezone()->getName() !== $timezone) {            $dateTime = clone $dateTime;            $dateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));        }        $todo = static::createLocalizableTodo($format);        $output = $dateTime->format($format);        //no localizeable parameters?        if (0 === count($todo)) {            return $output;        }        if ($locale !== null) {            $currentLocale = setlocale(LC_TIME, '0');            setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale);        }        if ($timezone !== null) {            $currentTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();            date_default_timezone_set($timezone);        }        //replace special parameters        foreach ($todo as $placeholder => $parameter) {            $output = str_replace('!LOCALIZED'.$placeholder, strftime('%'.$parameter, $dateTime->getTimestamp()), $output);        }        unset($parameter);        if (isset($currentLocale)) {            setlocale(LC_TIME, $currentLocale);        }        if (isset($currentTimezone)) {            date_default_timezone_set($currentTimezone);        }        return $output;    }}