Logging out with HTTP Basic Auth in Laravel Logging out with HTTP Basic Auth in Laravel php php

Logging out with HTTP Basic Auth in Laravel

I had the same problem, I really couldn't logout the current user... And the answer is simple: Laravel doesn't support logout() with Auth::basic().

There are ways to fix it, but it's not very clean; https://www.google.nl/search?q=logout+basic

This is not a limitation to Laravel, HTTP Basic Authorization is not designed to handle logging out. The client will remain logged in until the browser is closed.

HTTP Basic Authorization really shouldn't be used in any public production environment. Here are some reasons why:

  • No way to give users a "remember me"-option on the login form.
  • Password managers have no or lacking support for HTTP Basic Auth, as it is not rendered HTML but a native popup.
  • Terrible user experience. Putting together a proper login form is well worth the little time it takes.

The only valid case I can think of is to protect public development-subdomains like dev.example.com, but there are better ways to solve that as well.

The easiest way that I've found for that is to redirect to invalid username/password on logout route. Example:

Route::get('admin/logout', function() {    return Redirect::to(preg_replace("/:\/\//", "://log-me-out:fake-pwd@", url('admin/logout')));});