Merging two images with PHP Merging two images with PHP php php

Merging two images with PHP

I got it working from one I made.

<?php$dest = imagecreatefrompng('vinyl.png');$src = imagecreatefromjpeg('cover2.jpg');imagealphablending($dest, false);imagesavealpha($dest, true);imagecopymerge($dest, $src, 10, 9, 0, 0, 181, 180, 100); //have to play with these numbers for it to work for you, etc.header('Content-Type: image/png');imagepng($dest);imagedestroy($dest);imagedestroy($src);?>

Question is about merging two images, however in this specified case you shouldn't do that. You should put Content Image (ie. cover) into <img /> tag, and Style Image into CSS, why?

  1. As I said the cover belongs to the content of the document, while that vinyl record and shadow are just a part of the page styles.
  2. Such separation is much more convenient to use. User can easily copy that image. It's easier to index by web-spiders.
  3. Finally, it's much easier to maintain.

So use a very simple code:

<div class="cover">   <img src="/content/images/covers/movin-mountains.png" alt="Moving mountains by Pneuma" width="100" height="100" /></div>.cover {    padding: 10px;    padding-right: 100px;    background: url(/style/images/cover-background.png) no-repeat;}

ImageArtist is a pure gd wrapper authored by me, this enables you to do complex image manipulations insanely easy, for your question solution can be done using very few steps using this powerful library.

here is a sample code.

$img1 = new Image("./cover.jpg");$img2 = new Image("./box.png");$img2->merge($img1,9,9);$img2->save("./merged.png",IMAGETYPE_PNG);

This is how my result looks like.

enter image description here