MongoConnectionException - No candidate servers found MongoConnectionException - No candidate servers found php php

MongoConnectionException - No candidate servers found

I would suggest you add logging to find out what is happening. The Mongo driver (since version 1.3) provides extensive logging to debug connection issues. There is an article at to explain how to turn it on. If from the log info it is not clear what happens, update your question with the log, so that I can update my answer.

From the posted log I can see that your client can not connect to any of the seeds from your connection string. If your machine/client can't connect, you can't talk to MongoDB of course. In this case, there can be a few possibilities:

  • The driver can't convert the names to IP addresses. In that case, you need to fix your DNS setup, or add all hosts to /etc/hosts
  • You really can't connect to them, this could be a firewall in the way.
  • There are some issues with that in the 1.2 series of the driver, so if you're not using 1.3.4 or higher yet, I'd suggest you upgrade. It should be a much smoother experience.
  • Remember that you need a majority of your nodes up in order to be able to write. If you don't have that, then you will get the "No candidate servers" error.