MongoDB and CodeIgniter [closed] MongoDB and CodeIgniter [closed] php php

MongoDB and CodeIgniter [closed]

I'm not sure if its the "CodeIgniter way" but I created a CodeIgniter library that extends the Mongo class with an extra property to store the current database connection.

Here are the relevant code files from my project.


$config['mongo_server'] = null;$config['mongo_dbname'] = 'mydb';


class CI_Mongo extends Mongo{    var $db;    function CI_Mongo()    {           // Fetch CodeIgniter instance        $ci = get_instance();        // Load Mongo configuration file        $ci->load->config('mongo');        // Fetch Mongo server and database configuration        $server = $ci->config->item('mongo_server');        $dbname = $ci->config->item('mongo_dbname');        // Initialise Mongo        if ($server)        {            parent::__construct($server);        }        else        {            parent::__construct();        }        $this->db = $this->$dbname;    }}

And a sample controller


class Posts extends Controller{    function Posts()    {        parent::Controller();    }    function index()    {        $posts = $this->mongo->db->posts->find();        foreach ($posts as $id => $post)        {            var_dump($id);            var_dump($post);        }    }    function create()    {        $post = array('title' => 'Test post');        $this->mongo->db->posts->insert($post);        var_dump($post);    }}

I like Stephen Curran's example as it is simple and allows an interface to Mongo without too much functionality written within Php, I tend to find huge abstraction clases a bit much at times for what I am after.

I have extended his example to include database authentication. Go here: to read about mongo authentication, don't forget to enable authentication for the Mongo Server you are connecting to.

I have also changed the old style constructor function to be __construct and am handling Mongo Connection Exceptions as they can reveal your username and password.


<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');$config['mongo_server'] = 'localhost';$config['mongo_dbname'] = 'my_mongo_db';$config['mongo_username'] = 'mongo_user';$config['mongo_password'] = 'password1234';/* End of file mongo.php */


<?phpclass CI_Mongo extends Mongo{    protected $db;    function __construct()    {           // Fetch CodeIgniter instance        $ci = get_instance();        // Load Mongo configuration file        $ci->load->config('mongo');        // Fetch Mongo server and database configuration        $server = $ci->config->item('mongo_server');        $username = $ci->config->item('mongo_username');        $password = $ci->config->item('mongo_password');        $dbname = $ci->config->item('mongo_dbname');        // Initialise Mongo - Authentication required        try{            parent::__construct("mongodb://$username:$password@$server/$dbname");            $this->db = $this->$dbname;        }catch(MongoConnectionException $e){            //Don't show Mongo Exceptions as they can contain authentication info            $_error =& load_class('Exceptions', 'core');            exit($_error->show_error('MongoDB Connection Error', 'A MongoDB error occured while trying to connect to the database!', 'error_db'));                   }catch(Exception $e){            $_error =& load_class('Exceptions', 'core');            exit($_error->show_error('MongoDB Error',$e->getMessage(), 'error_db'));                   }    }}