multiple return values from PHP with jQuery AJAX multiple return values from PHP with jQuery AJAX php php

multiple return values from PHP with jQuery AJAX

Use json_encode() to convert an associative array from PHP into JSON and use $.getJSON(), which will return a Javascript array.


<?php echo json_encode(array("a" => "valueA", "b" => "valueB")); ?>

In Javascript:

$.getJSON("myscript.php", function(data) {  alert("Value for 'a': " + data.a + "\nValue for 'b': " + data.b);});

Make your response return JSON, you'll need to change your jQuery to this, so the expected dataType is json:

$.ajax({    type: "POST",    url: "customerfilter.php",    dataType: 'json',    cache: false,    success: function(data)    {        $(".custName").html(data.message1);        $(".custName2").html(data.message2);    }});

Then you need to encode your response as a JSON Array:

 <?php echo json_encode(      array("message1" => "Hi",       "message2" => "Something else") ) ?>

Why don't you return a JSON object. This way you can easily put many different results inside the ajax response.