MySql Script update on CodeIgniter [closed] MySql Script update on CodeIgniter [closed] php php

MySql Script update on CodeIgniter [closed]

What is the

INSERT(TGLBAYAR, 3, 0, '/'), INSERT(TGLBAYAR, 6, 0, '/')

Can you change it to be string? If can, on Your Model add this function and call it from controller

 public function update_data(){     $fields = array(           'TGLBAYAR' => "INSERT(`TGLBAYAR`, 3, 0, '/'), INSERT(`TGLBAYAR`, 6, 0, '/')",           'TGLRUBAH' => "INSERT(`TGLRUBAH`, 3, 0, '/'), INSERT(`TGLRUBAH`, 6, 0, '/')"        );     $this->db->update('Pelayanan', $fields, array());     $fields = array(          'TGLBAYAR' => array(               'name' => 'TGLBAYAR',               'type' => 'DATE',          ),          'TGLRUBAH' => array(               'name' => 'TGLRUBAH',               'type' => 'DATE',          ),      );      $this->db->modify_column('Pelayanan', $fields);     $fields = array(           'LAMA' => "DATEDIFF(`TGLBAYAR`, `TGLRUBAH`)"        );     $this->db->update('Pelayanan', $fields, array()); }

the alter table section should be the followig:

$this->load->dbforge(); $fields = array(          'TGLBAYAR' => array(               'name' => 'TGLBAYAR',               'type' => 'DATE',          ),          'TGLRUBAH' => array(               'name' => 'TGLRUBAH',               'type' => 'DATE',          ),      ); $this->dbforge->modify_column('Pelayanan', $fields);

Also, if you have any error message please share it with us.

Whatever your query is, just put it in the function $this->db->query and it will be executed very easily and you can understand it properly as you want. I have put a sample for your mysql query below:

$query = $this->db->query(" UPDATE `Pelayanan` SET `TGLBAYAR` = INSERT(`TGLBAYAR`, 3, 0, '/'), INSERT(`TGLBAYAR`, 6, 0, '/')UPDATE `Pelayanan` SET `TGLRUBAH` = INSERT(`TGLRUBAH`, 3, 0, '/'), INSERT(`TGLRUBAH`, 6, 0, '/') ALTER TABLE `Pelayanan` MODIFY COLUMN (`TGLBAYAR` DATE, `TGLRUBAH` DATE) UPDATE `Pelayanan` SET `LAMA` = DATEDIFF(`TGLBAYAR`, `TGLRUBAH`) ");