MYSQL Select from table, get newest/last 10 rows in table MYSQL Select from table, get newest/last 10 rows in table php php

MYSQL Select from table, get newest/last 10 rows in table

to reverse the order (therefore get last 10 instead of first 10), use DESC instead of ASC


Based on your comment:

SELECT * FROM (  SELECT *   FROM chat   WHERE (userID = $session AND toID = $friendID)     OR (userID = $friendID AND toID = $session)    ORDER BY id DESC  LIMIT 10) AS `table` ORDER by id ASC

If you want the last 10 then just change ASC to DESC

SELECT * FROM chat WHERE (userID=$session AND toID=$friendID) OR (userID=$friendID AND toID=$session) ORDER BY id DESCLIMIT 10

$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","my_user","my_password","my_db");$limit = 10;                $query = "SELECT * FROM  $table";$resource = mysqli_query($con,$query);$total_rows = mysqli_num_rows($resource);$start = $total_rows-$limit;$query_limit= $query." LIMIT $start,$limit";

First I have set the limit

$limit = 10;


 $total_rows = mysqli_num_rows($resource);

Here I have taken total number of rows affected.

$start = $total_rows-$limit;

then substracted limit from number of rows to take starting record number

   $query_limit= $query." LIMIT $start,$limit";

and then added limit to the query.For more information about limit see this link