NetBeans could not install some modules NetBeans could not install some modules php php

NetBeans could not install some modules

It's very simple :

1 - Try to find this file /home/yourname/.cache/netbeans

2 - And clear all files enter image description here

1. Uninstall Net Beans

2. Just Delete everything from:

C:\Users\your_name\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\8.1\C:\Users\your_name\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.1\I am using 8.1 version. 

3. After deleting just restart your machine.

4. Re-Install

I did the following steps and it worked :)

I have the same issue. If you will get version 7.4 and install it on a clean PC (or remove all netbeans data/config folders) and disable the check for updates, during installation the installation will proceed without errors and netbeans runs. In the case of the first update, the issue comes back.