Openfire offline notification through PHP Openfire offline notification through PHP php php

Openfire offline notification through PHP

If you want to add more parameters to the link. You need to extend the CallbackOnOffline Plugin. You will find the code here:

If you look into the java class, you will find on line 109 and 110 the "to" and "from" parameter which will be send back (callback). Just add there your parameter with value you need.

Update:After that you need to build the plugin with ANT again. See a how to build a plugin:

I also had the same problem and I Solved it by creating a new table "TblPushNotification". A table named 'ofOffline' is used to store the offline messages so I added trigger to "ofOffline" table of the database. The trigger will extract the XML and add all attributes to the "TblPushNotification" so you may directly check that table for sending push notification.

Please find my tables' details as below

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `TblPushNotification` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `message_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `from_user_id` text NOT NULL,  `to_user_id` text NOT NULL,  `message` text NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ;ALTER TABLE `TblPushNotification` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `message_id` (`message_id`);ALTER TABLE `TblPushNotification`MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;

For Trigger use following query.

CREATE TRIGGER `PushNotification` AFTER INSERT ON `ofOffline` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN    DECLARE strMessageText VARCHAR(500) DEFAULT '';    DECLARE strSenderId VARCHAR(500) DEFAULT '';        DECLARE strReceiverId VARCHAR(500) DEFAULT '';            DECLARE intMessageId INT DEFAULT 1;    SET strMessageText = ExtractValue(NEW.stanza, 'message/body[1]');    SET strSenderId = ExtractValue(NEW.stanza, 'message/@from[1]');    SET strReceiverId = ExtractValue(NEW.stanza, 'message/@to[1]');    SET intMessageId = NEW.messageID;        INSERT INTO TblPushNotification (message_id,from_user_id,to_user_id,message) VALUES (intMessageId,strSenderId,strReceiverId,strMessageText);

Now it will always extract the XML of ofOffline tablet to TblPushNotification and you can fire query before sending push notification.


---- Triggers `ofOffline`--DELIMITER //CREATE TRIGGER `PushNotification` AFTER INSERT ON `ofOffline` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN    DECLARE strMessageText VARCHAR(500) DEFAULT '';    DECLARE strSenderId VARCHAR(500) DEFAULT '';        DECLARE strReceiverId VARCHAR(500) DEFAULT '';            DECLARE intMessageId INT DEFAULT 1;    SET strMessageText = ExtractValue(NEW.stanza, 'message/body[1]');    SET strSenderId = ExtractValue(NEW.stanza, 'message/@from[1]');    SET strReceiverId = ExtractValue(NEW.stanza, 'message/@to[1]');    SET intMessageId = NEW.messageID;        INSERT INTO push_notification (message_id,from_user_id,to_user_id,message) VALUES (intMessageId,strSenderId,strReceiverId,strMessageText);END//DELIMITER ;

Table :

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `push_notification` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `message_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `from_user_id` text NOT NULL,  `to_user_id` text NOT NULL,  `message` text NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ;