PHP check if file contains a string PHP check if file contains a string php php

PHP check if file contains a string

Much simpler:

<?php    if( strpos(file_get_contents("./uuids.txt"),$_GET['id']) !== false) {        // do stuff    }?>

In response to comments on memory usage:

<?php    if( exec('grep '.escapeshellarg($_GET['id']).' ./uuids.txt')) {        // do stuff    }?>

The is code is more efficient while searching larger files.

$handle = fopen('path_to_your_file', 'r');$valid = false; // init as falsewhile (($buffer = fgets($handle)) !== false) {    if (strpos($buffer, $id) !== false) {        $valid = TRUE;        break; // Once you find the string, you should break out the loop.    }      }fclose($handle);

function getDirContents($dir, &$results = array()){    if ($_POST['search'] == null)        exit;    ini_set('max_execution_time', $_POST['maxtime']);    $_SESSION['searchString'] = $_POST['search'];    echo "<script>var elm = document.getElementById('search');elm.value='$_POST[search]';</script>";    if (!isset($_POST['case']))        $string = strtolower($_POST['search']);    else        $string = $_POST['search'];    $files = scandir($dir);    foreach ($files as $key => $value) {        $path = realpath($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);        if (!is_dir($path)) {            $content = file_get_contents($path);            if (!isset($_POST['case']))                $content = strtolower(file_get_contents($path));            if (strpos($content, $string) !== false) {                echo $path . "<br>";            }            $results[] = $path;        } else if ($value != "." && $value != "..") {            getDirContents($path, $results);            $results[] = $path;        }    }    return $results;}

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