PHP CodeSniffer include_once error PHP CodeSniffer include_once error php php

PHP CodeSniffer include_once error

On my configuration the PHP/ path just wasn't where phpcs expected it.I solved it via creating symlink to the missing path.

go to pear directory and run:

ln -s share/pear/PHP/ PHP

I got this error when using PHP CodeSniffer installed via Composer.

Fixed it with:

cd /path/to/apprm -rf vendor/composer update

This is perhaps not the best solution, but it requires no change to your path or anything else.In the file phpcs you will find a section with:

if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/../CodeSniffer/CLI.php') === true) {   include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../CodeSniffer/CLI.php';else {   include_once 'PHP/CodeSniffer/CLI.php';}

Just add a new else if with your path to the correct file CLI.php (i.e. '/usr/local/pear/share/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/CLI.php'):

if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/../CodeSniffer/CLI.php') === true) {   include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../CodeSniffer/CLI.php';} else if (is_file('/usr/local/pear/share/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/CLI.php')) {   include_once '/usr/local/pear/share/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/CLI.php';} else {   include_once 'PHP/CodeSniffer/CLI.php';}

Last but not least document this change for later versions and updates.In the end the solution has to be that the developer of PHPCS makes a more solid construction for finding the CLI.php