Php create a file if not exists Php create a file if not exists php php

Php create a file if not exists

Try using:

$fh = fopen($newfile, 'w') or die("Can't create file");

for testing if you can create a file there or not.

If you can't create the file, that's probably because the directory is not writeable by the web server user (usually "www" or similar).

Do a chmod 777 folder to the folder you want to create the file and try again.

Does it work?

Use the function is_file to check if the file exists or not.

If the file doesn't exist, this sample will create a new file and add some contents:

<?php$file = 'test.txt';if(!is_file($file)){    $contents = 'This is a test!';           // Some simple example content.    file_put_contents($file, $contents);     // Save our content to the file.}?>

To be sure that a file exists before doing anything with it you can just touch it:

if (!file_exists('somefile.txt')) {    touch('somefile.txt');}

This will just create an empty file having the current time as creation time. The advantage over fopen is that you don't have to close the file.

You can also set the creation time, if you want. The following code will create a file with a creation time of yesterday:

if (!file_exists('somefile.txt')) {    touch('somefile.txt', strtotime('-1 days'));}

However: You should care about the fact that a file's modification time will be changed if you use touch for files which already exists.