PHP get URI parts of URL PHP get URI parts of URL php php

PHP get URI parts of URL

Look into parse_url(). That will get you most of the way there. All you would need to do is remove the portion of the path that is part of your base URL.

print_r(parse_url('http://localhost/project/controller/action/param1/param2'));Array(    [scheme] => http    [host] => localhost    [path] => /project/controller/action/param1/param2)

A more complete Example:



array(4) {  ["scheme"]=>  string(4) "http"  ["host"]=>  string(48) ""  ["path"]=>  string(44) "/Lambo/All+Models/2018/" ["query"]=> string(121) "limits=10&advance_options=no"


Also can get it this way: