php - Nested Loop, Break Inner Loops and Continue The Main Loop php - Nested Loop, Break Inner Loops and Continue The Main Loop php php

php - Nested Loop, Break Inner Loops and Continue The Main Loop

After reading the comment to this question (which was deleted by its author) and did a little research, I found that there is also parameter for continue just like break. We can add number to the continue like so:

while($something) {   foreach($array as $value) {    if($ok) {       continue 2;       // continue the while loop    }       foreach($value as $val) {          if($ok) {          continue 3;          // continue the while loop          }       }   }}

I think as you are not running the continue until you have processed the complete inner foreach it is irrelevant. You need to execute the continue in situ and not wait until the end of the loop.

Change the code to this

while($something) {    foreach($array as $value) {        if($ok) {            continue;    // start next foreach($array as $value)        }        foreach($value as $val) {            if($ok) {               break 2;    // terminate this loop and start next foreach($array as $value)            }        }    }}

RE: Your comment

while($something) {    if($somevalue) {        // stop this iteration        // and start again at iteration + 1        continue;        }}