PHP package manager PHP package manager php php

PHP package manager

Have you checked Maven for PHP? I've only used Maven in the context of Java applications, but it's certainly:

  • Easy to extend – it's really easy to implement Maven plugins
  • Manages dependencies – distinguishing compile, test and runtime dependencies (though the compile/runtime distintion doesn't make sense in PHP).
  • Repositories are trivial to put up – Apache with mod_dav will give you a working writable repository, but you also have Nexus.
  • Distinguishes snapshot from stable artifacts; allows several policies for when to check for new snapshot artifacts and from which repositories get each type.

And many – many – more things.

PEAR2/Pyrus was built for package management for arbitrary applications. I believe it was modeled after the apt/yum architectures.

Helgi - core PEAR member - covers some of it here - but the documentation is pretty solid too: