Php - regular expression to check if the string has chinese chars Php - regular expression to check if the string has chinese chars php php

Php - regular expression to check if the string has chinese chars

You could use a unicode character class

preg_match("/\p{Han}+/u", $utf8_str);

This just checks for the presence of at least one chinese character. You might want to expand on this if you want to match the complete string.

@mario answer is right!

For Chinese chars use this regex: /[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]+/u

And Don't forget the u modifier!!!

About u modifier reference

TKS to mario

preg_match("/^\p{Han}{2,10}+$/u", $str);

Use /^\p{Han}{2,10}+$/u regex which allows Chinese character only.

  1. It allows chinese character only &
  2. It allows Minimum 2 character &
  3. It allows maximum 10 character

You can change minimum and maximum character by changing {2,10} as per your need.

\p & /u are very important to add please don't avoid to add it.