PHP RESTful CRUD framework [closed] PHP RESTful CRUD framework [closed] php php

PHP RESTful CRUD framework [closed]

In some way the best and easy Php Framework for write API and RESTful application is

Slim Framework

Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.

hello world:

<?php$app = new \Slim\Slim();$app->get('/hello/:name', function ($name) {    echo "Hello, $name";});$app->run();

This is a restful api framework that can get you started pretty fast've used it in the past. very fast and lean.

however developing APIs is fairly easy.some other light frameworks are Slim Php.

Zend is really heavy.. but you can pretty much extend their zend Rest class and write your own which will be the "easiest".

If you don't know PHP Take a look at you want to learn PHP and write your own, you have a long way to go from JS, but if you're ambitious, read Matt Zandstra - Objects Patterns and Practice, and have a look at PEAR.