PHP setcookie "SameSite=Strict"? PHP setcookie "SameSite=Strict"? php php

PHP setcookie "SameSite=Strict"?

1. For PHP >= v7.3

You can use the $options array to set the samesite value, for example:

setcookie($name, $value, [    'expires' => time() + 86400,    'path' => '/',    'domain' => '',    'secure' => true,    'httponly' => true,    'samesite' => 'None',]);

The value of the samesite element should be either None, Lax or Strict.

Read more in the manual page.

2. For PHP < v7.3

You can use one of the following solutions/workarounds depending on your codebase/needs

2.1 Setting SameSite cookies using Apache configuration

You can add the following line to your Apache configuration

Header always edit Set-Cookie (.*) "$1; SameSite=Lax"

and this will update all your cookies with SameSite=Lax flag

See more here:

2.2 Setting SameSite cookies using Nginx configuration

location / {    # your usual config ...    # hack, set all cookies to secure, httponly and samesite (strict or lax)    proxy_cookie_path / "/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=strict";}

Same here, this also will update all your cookies with SameSite=Lax flag

See more here:

2.3 Setting SameSite cookies using header method

As we know cookies are just a header in HTTP request with the following structure

Set-Cookie: key=value; path=/;; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax

so we can just set the cookies with header method

header("Set-Cookie: key=value; path=/;; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax");

In fact, Symfony is not waiting for PHP 7.3 and already doing it under the hood, see here

📝You can use same in Laravel too because Laravel under the hood using Symfony's Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie class

2.4 Setting SameSite cookies using a bug in setcookie method

setcookie('cookie-name', '1', 0, '/; samesite=strict');

Be careful with this one, it's a known bug in PHP setcookie method and already resolved in PHP7.3 version, see here -

[Important update: As @caw pointed out below, this hack WILL BREAK in PHP 7.3. Stop using it now to save yourself from unpleasant surprises! Or at least wrap it in a PHP version check like if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70300) { ... } else { ... }.]

It seems like you can abuse the "path" or "domain" parameter of PHP's "setcookie" function to sneak in the SameSite attribute because PHP does not escape semicolons:

setcookie('samesite-test', '1', 0, '/; samesite=strict');

Then PHP sends the following HTTP header:

Set-Cookie: samesite-test=1; path=/; samesite=strict

I've just discovered this a few minutes ago, so please do your own testing! I'm using PHP 7.1.11.

Based on Steffen's answer above, this is the method I am using to support both php <= 7.2 and php >= 7.3:

/** * Support samesite cookie flag in both php 7.2 (current production) and php >= 7.3 (when we get there) * From: and  * * @see * * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param int $expire * @param string $path * @param string $domain * @param bool $secure * @param bool $httponly * @param string $samesite * @return void */function setCookieSameSite(    string $name, string $value,    int $expire, string $path, string $domain,    bool $secure, bool $httponly, string $samesite = 'None'): void {    if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70300) {        setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path . '; samesite=' . $samesite, $domain, $secure, $httponly);        return;    }    setcookie($name, $value, [        'expires' => $expire,        'path' => $path,        'domain' => $domain,        'samesite' => $samesite,        'secure' => $secure,        'httponly' => $httponly,    ]);}