PHP | "The requested PHP extension bcmath is missing from your system." PHP | "The requested PHP extension bcmath is missing from your system." php php

PHP | "The requested PHP extension bcmath is missing from your system."

You can use function get_loaded_extensions to see if bcmath modul is loaded. Or in terminal php -m or php -m | grep name_of_the_modul

You can install it depending on what OS you are using:


sudo apt install php7.0-bcmath


yum install bcmath

PHP 7.2

Debian - jessie

apt-get updateapt-get install php7.2-bcmath

work like a charm :)

For any version in php Centos use

This solution worked for me

yum install php-bcmath

PHP will take the default version installed in the machine, search for that package and install it.

Delete the file composer.lock file if that is already created and then run again,

composer install

If you run

composer update

it will update whatever default packages are installed in composer.json which might create problem for you.