Php webdriver - how to force new test to use different profile? Php webdriver - how to force new test to use different profile? php php

Php webdriver - how to force new test to use different profile?

You could also try an alternative lightweight Selenium replacement called Selenoid. The main difference is that it starts every browser in new Docker container. This guarantees that your sessions are completely isolated.

I'm running multiple tests across a Selenium grid containing a multiple nodes, using a dynamically created Firefox profile, like this

Do you protect your variables? It's like you reused some class instance.spl_object_hash() could help you out here. It

returns a unique identifier for the object

which is always the same for a given instance.


Try to separate them & use unittests /use the fixtures available in PHPUnit/:

class BaseTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{    static $driver;    private $capabilities;    public function setCapabilities($capabilities)    {        $this->capabilities = $capabilities;    }    public static function setUpBeforeClass()    {        $host = '';        self::$driver = RemoteWebDriver::create($host, $this->capabilities, 5000);    }    public static function tearDownAfterClass()    {        self::$driver->close();    }    public function getDriver()    {        return self::$driver;    }}class FirefoxTest extends BaseTestCase{    public function setUp()    {        $firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile();        $capabilities = DesiredCapabilities::firefox ();        $capabilities->setCapability(FirefoxDriver::PROFILE, $firefoxProfile);        self->setCapabilities($capabilities);        $this->getDriver()->get("");    }    public function testTitle()    {        echo $this->getDriver()->getTitle();    }    public function testSomethingElse()    {        // do test    }}

This example won't share the same $driver between both FirefoxTest and XXXTest but that is recommended as you will want a clean slate for each test.

However all the tests in FirefoxTest will share the same driver.The execution order of tests, when you do 'phpunit tests' will be: setUpBeforeClass()


a bit more about fixtures