phpredis on windows 7 64bit xampp phpredis on windows 7 64bit xampp php php

phpredis on windows 7 64bit xampp

Found it! Apologizing for misapprehension, but all this situation is really confusing for guy who such a little about servers management. Anyway, below is my solution.

Link above provides .dll file, which in my case must be copied to: C:\xampp\php\ext and add a line in to php.ini file extension=php_redis.dll and lastly restart apache2 service.

And that's it, nothing has to be installed, as long as redis server already up and running this will provide connection between php and redis!

2020-05-06 update

Seems like previous url only contains outdated .dll files.@Niz provided in the comments an updated url where you can download the correct version of redis DLL for your windows. Make sure to download the one that matches your redis and php versions.

You can still find up to date compiled dll binaries of Redis(and many more) at the following location:

    # php -i | find "Architecture"    # php -i | find "Thread"

Php 7 with redis support for xammp there are new binaries available in: