PHPStorm Xdebug always breaks on first line PHPStorm Xdebug always breaks on first line php php

PHPStorm Xdebug always breaks on first line

Run | Break at first line in PHP scripts -- try turning it ON and OFF few times. Sometimes it is get stuck in between: showing OFF but in reality it is ON.

If this solves your issue .. then -- -- star/vote/comment to get notified on progress. This particular moment has been fixed since PhpStorm v9.

If you still having such issue (IDE breaks an first line) and the above does not help ... then it has nothing to do with this option/answer and it's some misconfiguration at another place (missing or wrong paths mappings and stuff like that).

You can find the option in Run menu, it's at the bottom. enter image description here

For those who are stil having the problem, I solved mine by editing the file:


and looked for the PhpDebugGeneral component and manually entered "false" to the xdebug flags there.

<component name="PhpDebugGeneral" break_at_first_line="false" ...

It looks like some leftover from the upgrade in my project.