PHPUnit - 15+ hrs wasted and still doesn't work PHPUnit - 15+ hrs wasted and still doesn't work php php

PHPUnit - 15+ hrs wasted and still doesn't work

"No releases available for package "

This can have several reasons:

  1. You need to update the channel information

    $ pear channel-update

  2. Your network connection has problems, i.e. firewall doesn't allow it or you need to setup the proxy.

To debug it, try a

# pear remote-info details:================Latest      1.2.6Installed   1.2.6

If that works, you can install it.Otherwise, try to force it:

$ pear install -f

if that still does not work, visit and download the package manually.install it with

$ pear install File_iterator-1.2.6.tgz

Download and install XAMPP Windows 1.7.3 Installer.

Filename: xampp-win32-1.7.3.exe

I would NOT recommend to use any newer version, it MAY break this procedure.

1. Install XAMPP to C:\

  • Version 1.7.3 will create xampp directory automatically, here's what I answered...
    • Should I add shortcuts to the startmenu/desktop? No
    • Should I locate the XAMPP paths correctly? Yes
    • Portable? Yes
    • Enter enter exit etc.

2. Open C:\xampp\php\php.ini and enable curl

  • uncomment line 952
  • extension=php_curl.dll

3. Install new PEAR Version needed for PHPUnit 3.X

  • Download:
  • Save it under: C:\xampp\php
  • Open a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges
    • Right-click on Command Prompt -icon and choose Run as administrator
  • Change directory to C:\xampp\php
    • cd xampp
    • cd php
  • Type php go-pear.phar (Installs new PEAR)
  • Choose system -wide installation
  • Install All components
  • Would you like alter php.ini
    • Answer Yes
    • This will add PEAR to the path include_path = ".;\xampp\php\PEAR" line 796
  • After installing run C:\xampp\php\PEAR_ENV.reg

4. Install PHPUnit

  • Be sure you're still in C:\xampp\php
  • Type pear channel-discover (this is needed for PHPUnit)
  • Type pear channel-discover (also needed by PHPUnit)
  • Type pear channel-discover (This IS phpunit)
  • Type pear update-channels (updates channel definitions)
  • Type pear upgrade --alldeps (upgrades all existing packages and pear)
  • Type pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit (installs PHPUnit and all dependencies)

You're welcome! This took multiple hours to solve :)

If there's anything to add/remove, please leave a comment.

I had the same problem before and I didn't find any tutorial about this issue.

I finally solved it after a while.

You can try following thoses steps.

  1. Download PHPUnit and his dependencies at :

    • PHP Unit
    • PHP Token Stream
    • PHP Timer
    • PHP TextTemplate
    • PHP File Itérator
    • PHP CodeCoverage
  2. Extract PHPUnit and each of his dependancies in the folder of your choice.

  3. Open the file

  4. Add the following code while replacing text by the paths :

    $originalpath = 'PathToTheFolderWhereYouExtractedEverything';$path = $originalpath .'PathToThePHPUnitFolderContainedInTheFolderExtracted';set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);$path = $originalpath .'PathToThePHPCodeCoverageFolder';set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);$path = $originalpath .'PathToThePHPFileIteratorFolder';set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);$path = $originalpath .'PathToThePHPTextTemplateFolder';set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);$path = $originalpath .'PathToThePHPTokenStreamFolder';set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);$path = $originalpath .'PathToThePHPTimerFolder';set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);
  5. Open the file "phpunit.bat" in the phpunit folder that you extracted. (Something like PHPUnit-3.5.13)

  6. Replace all the bottom lines by the following code :

    set PHPBIN="PathToThephp.exeFile"php -d safe_mode=Off "PathToThephpunit.phpFile" %*
  7. Edit your evironnement variables by adding the path to the

  8. Edit your evironnement variables by adding the path to the php.exe file.

You may have some deprecated function warnings, just replace the functions by a not deprecated one.

I hope all this helps.