Poor whereHas performance in Laravel Poor whereHas performance in Laravel php php

Poor whereHas performance in Laravel

This is related to the mysql not to the laravel. You can perform the same thing you wanted from the above with the both options, joins and the subqueries. Subqueries are generally much slower than joins.

Subqueries are:

  • less complicated
  • elegant
  • easier to understand
  • easier to write
  • logic separation

and the above facts are why ORMs like eloquent are using suquries. but there are slower! Especially when you have many rows in the database.

Join version of your query is something like this :

select * from `replays`join `players` on `replays`.`id` = `players`.`replay_id` and `battletag_name` = 'test'order by `id` asc limit 100;

but now you must change select and add group by and be careful on many other things, but why is this so it is beyond that answer. New query would be :

select replays.* from `replays`join `players` on `replays`.`id` = `players`.`replay_id` and `battletag_name` = 'test'order by `id` asc group by replays.idlimit 100;

So that are the reasons why join in more complicated.

You can write raw query in laravel, but eloquent support for join queries are not well supported, also there are no much packages that can help you with that, this one is for example : https://github.com/fico7489/laravel-eloquent-join

WhereHas() query is really as slow as lazy turtle, so I created and still using a trait that I glue to any laravel model which required a simple join requests. This trait make a scope function whereJoin(). You can just pass there a joined model class name, where clause params and enjoy. This trait take care of table names and related details in query. Well, it's for my personal use and ofc feel free to modify this monstruosity.

<?phpnamespace App\Traits;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;/** @mixin Model */trait ModelJoinTrait{    /**     * @param string|\Countable|array $on     * @param $column     * @param $whereOperator     * @param $value     * @param Model $exemplar     * @return array     */    function _modelJoinTraitJoinPreset($on, $column, $whereOperator, $value, $exemplar){        $foreignTable = $exemplar->getTable();        $foreignId = $exemplar->getKeyName();        $localTable = $this->getTable();        $localId = $this->getKeyName();        //set up default join and condition parameters        $joinOn =[            'local' => $localTable.'.'.$localId,            'foreign'=> $foreignTable.'.'.$foreignId,            'operator' => '=',            'type'=>'inner',            'alias'=>'_joint_id',            'column'=>$column,            'where_operator'=>$whereOperator,            'value'=>$value        ];        //config join parameters based on input        if(is_string($on)){            //if $on is string it treated as foreign key column name for join clause            $joinOn['foreign'] = $foreignTable.'.'.$on;        } elseif (is_countable($on)){            //if $is array or collection there can be join parameters            if(isset($on['local']) && $on['local'])                $joinOn['local'] = $localTable.'.'.$on['local'];            if(isset($on['foreign']) && $on['foreign'])                $joinOn['foreign'] = $localTable.'.'.$on['foreign'];            if(isset($on['operator']) && $on['operator'])                $joinOn['operator'] = $on['operator'];            if(isset($on['alias']) && $on['alias'])                $joinOn['alias'] = $on['alias'];        }        //define join type        $joinTypeArray = ['inner', 'left', 'right', 'cross'];        if(is_countable($on) && isset($on['type']) && in_array($on['type'], $joinTypeArray))            $joinOn = $on['type'];        return $joinOn;    }    /**     * @param Model $exemplar     * @param string|array|\Countable $joinedColumns     * @param string|array|\Countable $ownColumns     * @param string $jointIdAlias     * @return array     */    function _modelJoinTraitSetColumns($exemplar, $joinedColumns, $ownColumns, $jointIdAlias = '_joint_id')    {        $foreignTable = $exemplar->getTable();        $foreignId = $exemplar->getKeyName();        $localTable = $this->getTable();        $localId = $this->getKeyName();        if(is_string($joinedColumns))            $foreignColumn = ["$foreignTable.$joinedColumns"];        else if(is_countable($joinedColumns)) {            $foreignColumn = array_map(function ($el) use ($foreignTable) {                return "$foreignTable.$el";            }, $joinedColumns);        } else {            $foreignColumn = ["$foreignTable.*"];        }        if(is_string($ownColumns))            $ownColumns = ["$localTable.$ownColumns"];        elseif(is_countable($ownColumns)) {            $ownColumns = array_map(function ($el) use ($localTable) {                return "$localTable.$el";            }, $ownColumns);        }  else {            $ownColumns = ["$localTable.*"];        }        $columns = array_merge($foreignColumn, $ownColumns);        if($foreignId == $localId){            $columns = array_merge(["$foreignTable.$foreignId as $jointIdAlias"], $columns);        }        return $columns;    }    /**     * @param Builder $query     * @param string|array|\Countable $on     * @param Model $exemplar     */    function _modelJoinTraitJoinPerform($query, $on, $exemplar){        $funcTable = ['left'=>'leftJoin', 'right'=>'rightJoin', 'cross'=>'crossJoin', 'inner'=>'join'];        $query->{$funcTable[$on['type']]}($exemplar->getTable(),            function(JoinClause $join) use ($exemplar, $on){                $this->_modelJoinTraitJoinCallback($join, $on);            }        );    }    function _modelJoinTraitJoinCallback(JoinClause $join, $on){        $query = $this->_modelJoinTraitJoinOn($join, $on);        $column = $on['column'];        $operator = $on['where_operator'];        $value = $on['value'];        if(is_string($column))            $query->where($column, $operator, $value);        else if(is_callable($column))            $query->where($column);    }    /**     * @param JoinClause $join     * @param array|\Countable $on     * @return JoinClause     */    function _modelJoinTraitJoinOn(JoinClause $join, $on){        //execute join query on given parameters        return $join->on($on['local'], $on['operator'], $on['foreign']);    }    /**     * A scope function used on Eloquent models for inner join of another model. After connecting trait in target class     * just use it as ModelClass::query()->whereJoin(...). This query function forces a select() function with     * parameters $joinedColumns and $ownColumns for preventing overwrite primary key on resulting model.     * Columns of base and joined models with same name will be overwritten by base model     *     * @param Builder $query Query given by Eloquent mechanism. It's not exists in     * ModelClass::query()->whereJoin(...) function.     * @param string $class Fully-qualified class name of joined model. Should be descendant of     * Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model class.     * @param string|array|\Countable $on Parameter that have join parameters. If it is string, it should be foreign     * key in $class model. If it's an array or Eloquent collection, it can have five elements: 'local' - local key     * in base model, 'foreign' - foreign key in joined $class model (default values - names of respective primary keys),     * 'operator' = comparison operator ('=' by default), 'type' - 'inner', 'left', 'right' and 'cross'     * ('inner' by default) and 'alias' - alias for primary key from joined model if key name is same with key name in     * base model (by default '_joint_id')     * @param Closure|string $column Default Eloquent model::where(...) parameter that will be applied to joined model.     * @param null $operator Default Eloquent model::where(...) parameter that will be applied to joined model.     * @param null $value Default Eloquent model::where(...) parameter that will be applied to joined model.     * @param string[] $joinedColumns Columns from joined model that will be joined to resulting model     * @param string[] $ownColumns Columns from base model that will be included in resulting model     * @return Builder     * @throws \Exception     */    public function scopeWhereJoin($query, $class, $on, $column, $operator = null, $value=null,                                   $joinedColumns=['*'], $ownColumns=['*']){        //try to get a fake model of class to get table name and primary key name        /** @var Model $exemplar */        try {            $exemplar = new $class;        } catch (\Exception $ex){            throw new \Exception("Cannot take out data of '$class'");        }        //preset join parameters and conditions        $joinOnArray = $this->_modelJoinTraitJoinPreset($on, $column, $operator, $value, $exemplar);        //set joined and base model columns        $selectedColumns = $this->_modelJoinTraitSetColumns($exemplar, $joinedColumns, $ownColumns, $joinOnArray['alias']);        $query->select($selectedColumns);        //perform join with set parameters;        $this->_modelJoinTraitJoinPerform($query, $joinOnArray, $exemplar);        return $query;    }}

You can use it like this (Model Goods in example have a dedicated extended data model GoodsData with hasOne relationship between them):

$q = Goods::query();$q->whereJoin(GoodsData::class, 'goods_id',     function ($q){     //where clause callback        $q->where('recommend', 1);    });//same as previous exmple$q->whereJoin(GoodsData::class, 'goods_id',     'recommend', 1);   //where clause params// there we have sorted columns from GoodsData model$q->whereJoin(GoodsData::class, 'goods_id',     'recommend', 1, null, //where clause params    ['recommend', 'discount']); //selected columns//and there - sorted columns from Goods model$q->whereJoin(GoodsData::class, 'goods_id',     'recommend', '=', 1,                           //where clause params    ['id', 'recommend'], ['id', 'name', 'price']); //selected columns from                                                   //joined and base model//a bit more complex example but still same. Table names is resolved //by trait from relevant models$joinData = [    'type'=>'inner'          //  inner join `goods_data` on    'local'=>'id',           //      `goods`.`id`    'operator'=>'='          //      =    'foreign'=>'goods_id',   //      `goods_data`.`goods_id`];$q->whereJoin(GoodsData::class, $joinData,     'recommend', '=', 1,                           //where clause params    ['id', 'recommend'], ['id', 'name', 'price']); //selected columnsreturn $q->get();

Resulting SQL query will be like this

select     `goods_data`.`id` as `_joint_id`, `goods_data`.`id`, `goods_data`.`recommend`,     `goods`.`id`, `goods`.`name`, `goods`.`price` from `goods` inner join     `goods_data` on     `goods`.`id` = `goods_data`.`goods_id` and    -- If callback used then this block will be a nested where clause     -- enclosed in parenthesis    (`recommend` = ? )    -- If used scalar parameters result will be like this    `recommend` = ?     -- so if you have complex queries use a callback for convenience

In your case there should be like this

$q = Replay::query();$q->whereJoin(Player::class, 'replay_id', 'battletag_name', 'test');//or$q->whereJoin(Player::class, 'replay_id',     function ($q){             $q->where('battletag_name', 'test');    });$q->limit(100);

To use it more efficiently, you can go like this:

// Goods.phpclass Goods extends Model {    use ModelJoinTrait;    //     public function scopeWhereData($query, $column, $operator = null,         $value = null, $joinedColumns = ['*'], $ownColumns = ['*'])    {        return $query->whereJoin(            GoodsData::class, 'goods_id',             $column, $operator, $value,             $joinedColumns, $ownColumns);    }}// -------// any.php$query = Goods::whereData('goods_data_column', 1)->get();

PS I dont run any automated tests for this so be careful in use. It works just fine in my case, but there may be unexpected behaviour in yours.