Possible disadvantages of Zend [closed] Possible disadvantages of Zend [closed] php php

Possible disadvantages of Zend [closed]

Its a pretty good learning curve, with pretty limited (awful) documentation for most developers. Be prepared for that, as it will take most developers a good few weeks + to get a handle on it and how to do things "properly".

But I guess to say that will probably be the case with any framework. I just know that was a huge task to learn, and I am still learning. So doing something I have not done before with ZF, although I may have done this separately on another project, tends to take a bit more time.

Overhead. A lot of it. ZF is huge,

I'm using ZF for two years now and I'm quite happy with it. Just few things:

  • documentation is good for beginners but in time you will see that it misses a lot
  • don't use ZF without solution like APC / eAccelerator
  • test everything carefully when you update to new version of ZF. Sometimes there are radical changes in ZF behaviour